• European Commission's Seventh Framework Programm


Key Facts:
Project start: 1 January 2011
Project end: 31 December 2012


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SPREAD Project content

Project Content

How we work.

An interactive multi-stakeholder dialogue will bring together people from civil society organisations, business, research and policy to collaboratively work towards a better understanding of how to enable more sustainable lifestyles. Interactive scenario-building, backcasting and roadmapping are techniques we use within the SPREAD Sustainable Lifestyles 2050 project.

A People’s Forum and an online community are key project features, facilitating broad societal engagement and fostering open dialogue and ideas sharing.

The social platform allows stakeholder groups from policy, research, business and society to come together several times during the project to support the knowledge-gathering, scenario-building and back-casting. Their work is realised through a number of thematic and cross-cutting working groups and conferences.
The working groups are aligned with four focus areas:

sustainable moving,
sustainable living,
sustainable consuming and
sustainable society.


SPREAD Project content end