SPREAD at Rio+20 – Join our side event on June 14
Tuesday, 2012-06-12
On Tuesday, 14 June 2012 the SPREAD Sustainable Lifestyles 2050 project will host the side event "SPREAD Sustainable Lifestyles 2050. The Future of Sustainable living, an European perspective" during the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in the RioCentro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Join us at this side-event where we will debut a future vision of more sustainable living with the debut of our newly created scenarios to an international audience. The research that under-pins the European scenarios will also be presented, including a review of lifestyle impact hot spots, social innovation, promising practice, and an introduction to the EU Roadmap to Sustainable Lifestyle 2012 - 2050.
For more information on the event and speakers please click here.