Counting Backwards Workshop taking place in Helsinki
"Counting Backwards" or backcasting is the aim of this two days workshop taking place from 24-25 November 2011 in Helsinki. During the two days, 60 experts will describe the four scenarios and find out how we were able to reach them by working back through the milestone years 2050–2040–2025–2015.
Leading thinkers, forerunners, futures thinking experts and young social entrepreneurs from all over Europe will create scenarios and narratives on how to reach sustainable lifestyles by 2050.
Specifc goals of the workshop include to describe 4 different scenarios reaching from sustainable society of the year 2050 to 2012 in form of a visual timeline consisting of text and visaulizations and of a report consisting of scenario narratives, description of methods and backround material, as well as to empower the 60 participants to think of alternative long-term futures.
To learn more about the scenarios in creation, please check out our online community, offering four different threads that highlight some of the findings: