Conference presentations available online: "Sustainable Lifestyles 2050: Visions and Policy Actions"
Thursday, 2011-11-17
The “Visions and Policy Actions: Sustainable Lifestyles 2050” conference took successfully place on 10 November 2011 in Brussels, Belgium. It has been a pleasure to hear from our speakers about their vision for the future and about promising practices of today – and to discuss with all participants policies that will help us to realise sustainable lifestyles in the future we want.
The SPREAD team would like to thank all speakers and participants for their interesting and useful contributions.
Workshops outcomes, namely interesting policy recommendations related to sustainable lifestyles will feed in the preparation of and will be included in a policy brief and a roadmap with recommendations for policy, business, civil society and research to be developed by the SPREAD Sustainable Lifestyles 2050 project.
Meanwhile, the presentations available from our speakers have been put online. You can download them here.